European mink

Mustela lutreola

Critically endangered


  • IUCN
  • LC
  • NT
  • VU
  • EN
  • CR
  • EW
  • EX
  • Vertebrate
  • Phylum: Keelikloomad
  • Class: Imetajad
  • Order: Kiskjalised
  • Family: Kärplased
Hakka minu vaderiks


konnad, kalad

One of the most endangered carnivores in Europe – their range is only 5% of the original. Diet consists mostly of frogs and fish, likes to keep a low profile near forest rivers and ditches. Last individual was spotted in Estonia was in 1996 and shortly after that Tallinn Zoo established a permanent population to protect the species from extinction. In 2001 the first European minks were introduced back into the Estonian wilderness and have now successfully managed to keep the population stable. Lõpliku hävingu põhjustajaks peetakse aga konkurentsi karusloomafarmidest loodu-sesse pääsenud mingiga. Eesti looduses kohati naaritsat viimati 1996. a. Liigi säilitamiseks ja loodusliku asurkonna taastamiseks on loodud naaritsapopulatsioon Tallinna Loomaaias. 2000. a. alustati naaritsa asustamist Hiiumaale. Sellest võib saada ainus koht maailmas, kus liik säilib looduslikes tingimustes.


Open Every Day

  • Ticket Office and Entrance 9-17
  • The Zoo 9-19
  • Indoor Expositions, incl Rainforest Mon 11-18, Tue-Sun 10-18
  • Entrance to Rainforest until 17:30
  • Children's Zoo 10-18
  • Shop 10-18

Zoo map
