How to get to Tallinn Zoo?

Gates info

North Gate

Paldiski mnt 145, Tallinn

Directions to Zoo

From Freedom square (Vabaduse väljak) buses 21, 21b, 22, 41, 41b and 42 (Bus stop Zoo)
From Railway station (Balti jaam) buses 8, 21 and 41 (Bus stop Zoo)

West Gate

Ehitajate tee 150, Tallinn

Directions to Zoo

From Freedom square (Vabaduse väljak) bus 42 (Bus stop Karikakra or Nurmenuku)
Buses 10, 12, 16, 26, 26A, 27, 28, 45, 46, 61 (Bus stop Meistri)


North Gate
(Paldiski mnt 145)
Price (€)
West Gate (Ehitajate tee 150)Price (€)
Vehicle parking when visiting the zoo (excluding buses)2,10
Bus parking when visiting the zoo4,10
Parking for disabled visitors if they have a valid certificate.Free
West Gate (Ehitajate tee 150). Additional parking – grass field next to Autospirit (Ehitajate tee 132)Price (€)
Vehicle parking when visiting the zoo (excluding buses)2,10
Parking for disabled visitors if they have a valid certificate.Free

Open Every Day

  • Ticket Office and Entrance 9-17
  • The Zoo 9-19
  • Indoor Expositions, incl Rainforest Mon 11-18, Tue-Sun 10-18
  • Entrance to Rainforest until 17:30
  • Children's Zoo 10-18
  • Shop 10-18

Zoo map
