Winning with a landslide
The Alpinarium in the southern corner of the Zoo is a cozy, close-to-nature home to the Alpine ibex and mountain sheep, considered to be the gem of our collection. Today, eight species of ungulates live in this small mountain village, and near them, as in nature, are the snow leopards, the kings of the high mountains.
Supple and high-legged, with long and strong horns, with a gorgeous chest mane, or as a delightfully large herd – you always have something to see as you walk along the path between the hills and the sod roofs of the rock zoo. Identify the herd leader as a king of the hill-climbing in front of others or taking part in stag tournaments during the late autumn mating season. In spring, the Alpinarium is the first place to admire the animal’s children. However, if you happen to visit the Zoo in rainier weather, it’s a good idea to take steps this way – maybe a beautiful snow leopard who is scared of the hot sun will step out of the rocks.
Did you know?
There are relatively few Zoos that keep ibex and game sheep, and in the eyes of experts, we are in the first place with the collection. Almost all the inhabitants of our Alpinarium are on the Red List of the IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature.