Go to the forest!

The Zoo has other exciting things besides foreign animals. Did you know that a forest special to Estonia grows here, a large part of which is occupied by a key biotope?

A person feels a sense of belonging to nature most clearly in the forest, and immersion in the forest helps a city slicker to break stress. It is nice to walk in the Veskimets forest, admire the flowers, and listen to the birdsong, but there is much more. There is a permanent exhibition on the colorful posts by the main forest trail, in the seven information points of which you will find more important information about our species-rich broadleaf forest and the plants, fauna, and fungi found here. The geological side of the area is also interesting.

Brainstorming with your family

In order to discover Veskimets on your own, a book diary, “A small hobby book for families – In Veskimets and elsewhere”, helps to find out more about the wonderful forest trip and is on sale in the souvenir shop and ticket offices. There are tasks for thinking and great activities in the book, and there is also a lot of stuff where the help and knowledge of family members or friends will come in handy.

How to bathe in Veskimets?

  • It is recommended to visit the forest multiple times. For example, spring is a good time to get information about flowering plants, but autumn is definitely more suitable for mushrooms. Mosses are beautiful all year round if they are not covered by snow. Every season is suitable for meeting the history of the Veskimets forest, blockfield, and dendrochronologically studied trees.
  • When going into the forest, keep in mind that the trails are narrow, rocky and at times quite winding. It is not easy to move there with a pram.
  • As is often the case in forests, you must also take into account the presence of ticks.
  • As there are plenty of snags and halfway through, there are completely fallen over trees, you have to be careful – some of them may still keep falling. It is not a good idea to climb them
  • or go out into the forest in strong winds.
  • Please treat our special forest with respect, do not leave trash behind, do not break moss on rocks, and leave liverworts growing.

Open Every Day

  • Ticket Office and Entrance 9-17
  • The Zoo 9-19
  • Indoor Expositions, incl Rainforest Mon 11-18, Tue-Sun 10-18
  • Children's Zoo 10-17

Zoo map
